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Path: fido.asd.sgi.com!austern
From: fjh@munta.cs.mu.OZ.AU (Fergus Henderson)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c++,comp.std.c
Subject: Re: Array function params and const qualifier
Date: 15 Apr 1996 09:36:48 PDT
Organization: Comp Sci, University of Melbourne
Approved: austern@isolde.mti.sgi.com
Message-ID: <4kr7qv$909@mulga.cs.mu.OZ.AU>
References: <4ke06a$rp3@mozart.wg.icl.co.uk> <4kjqqa$bol@engnews1.Eng.Sun.COM> <u9ratts5oh.fsf@yorick.cygnus.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: isolde.mti.sgi.com
X-Original-Date: 14 Apr 1996 16:06:55 GMT
X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP comp.std.c++
Originator: austern@isolde.mti.sgi.com
[Note: this article is crossposted to comp.std.c++ and comp.std.c.]
In comp.std.c++, jason@cygnus.com (Jason Merrill) writes:
>>>>>> Steve Clamage <clamage@Eng.Sun.COM> writes:
>> Adel El-Beik <A.El-Beik@man0506.wins.icl.co.uk> writes:
>>> I have a question concerning MSVC++ v.4.00 and the April DWP C++.
>>> C:\array\array.cpp(16) : error C2664: 'func' : cannot convert parameter 1
>>> from 'long [2][2]' to 'const long [][2]' (new behavior; please see help)
>> You have run into effectively the same rule that prohibits implicit
>> conversion from "T**" to "const T**". That prohibition is not new,
>> but is in the ISO/ANSI C standard, and has not been changed, since
>> it would open a hole in the type system.
>But converting long (*)[2] to const long (*)[2] is more like converting
>long ** to const long *const * than it is like converting long ** to const
>long **, because there is no way to modify the array -- there is, in fact,
>no array entity in memory, only two longs. A long (*)[2] points to two
>longs, whereas a const long (*)[2] points to two const longs. I don't see
>a constness hole there.
>I suspect this is an oversight.
Yes, but the oversight is in the implementation, not in the standard.
The conversion in question is allowed by the draft C++ standard. (See
my other post to comp.std.c++ in this thread for a detailed explanation.)
The conversion is also allowed by a variety of other implementations,
including cfront, gcc, and SGI C++ (EDG).
Interestingly, even though this conversion is presumably disallowed by
the ANSI/ISO C standard, many supposedly conforming C compilers fail to
issue a diagnostic for it. Of the six I tried, only two issued any
diagnostic, even with all the appropriate options for selecting ANSI
conformance and enabling warnings.
Compiler Options Diagnostic?
-------- ------- -----------
GNU C gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall No
SGI C cc -ansi -pedantic -fullwarn -wlint,p No
DEC OSF/1 C cc -std1 No
DEC C cc -std1 -migrate -check No
Sun C cc -Xc -v Yes (warning)
LCC lcc -A -A Yes (error)
Fergus Henderson <fjh@cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh@ | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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